26 Aug

The need for automated testing:

In the field of software development speed and quality are two things that go hand-in-hand and it is impossible to ignore either of them. If you don't launch your software/updates soon enough, you could face a new rival in the next corner that is waiting to exceed the demands of the customers by offering more superior products.

This requires quicker development times and faster testing, it also means that you must be able of executing your tests quicker. However, with the manual effort, it may not be feasible so the necessity of automating tests comes into play. Automation of tests can be especially useful for regression testing because it doesn't require any or minimal intervention from humans and is able to run the test suites faster.

Automated testing has lots benefits over testing manually. However, it may not be the best option for every scenario, so it is not necessary in order to completely automate your testing. Read this full article to know roi test automation.

To know when to employ tests by hand and the appropriate time you should use automated testing

When you are transitioning from manual testing to test automation or introducing test automation into your manual testing processes A common issue for the business is convincing the benefits of automation in testing. Does investing in test automation bring tangible advantages? How long will it take before you are able to make a profit by investing in test automation?

A common error that companies make when implementing testing automation is that they do not analyze the ROI or value of automation in their particular needs. No matter if you're new or an expert in testing automation, using it to get it done is not going to help you realize its full potential.

The advantages of using ROI calculations:

As we've already discussed the calculation of testing automation's return on investment is an essential step to ensure the success of your business since it will provide many advantages, the most notable of that are:

A chance to view an accurate and complete picture of the current situation.

Easy business decision making;

Risk Identification and Risk Reduction

Profit measurement and success;

The identification of your test automation's strengths and weaknesses.
When we consider all the advantages mentioned above in ROI calculation, we are able to affirm that it's not just an efficient business practice, but a fundamental requirement for a successful running of a business.

Aspects that impact the return on investment of automated testing
ROI Factors

Testing automation can be quite complicated and it's difficult to determine its precise ROI, as many variables must be taken into consideration. Yet, some of the most important aspects to be considered when making the calculation of ROI are:

Fees for licenses paid to automated test tools;

Percentage of tests which are covered with automated testing;

Costs and time required to the design of a test automation framework starting from scratch.

Costs and time-related to team training or the hiring of new employees;

The rate per hour of automation engineers;

The frequency of releases in a year;

Software, hardware, and other operating expenses;

Stability and quality of the product;

Time and costs associated with automated maintenance of tests;

The total time for testing and the time to market, for example.

How do you calculate the ROI of automated testing

As we've said the calculation of automated testing ROI can be quite difficult. This is why there isn't a single method that is accurate for this task. Every business has its own method of calculating ROI with the right variables to meet its requirements and circumstances to the best method.

We'd like to share with you a simple method of calculating the test automation ROI which could help you.

As you've already guessed that ROI is a proportion between the profit gained by switching to automated testing and the investment cost in test automation.

ROI = ( investment + gain) (investment*100%)

If you look at the formula you could inquire about the reason for the investment sum. Let's look at everything in depth.

Since ROI is a non-unitary value that is measured using percentages, we can simplify the calculation by using the minutes of all inputs since the unit is used often. If you have to include monetary values in the formula, you could convert the currency to minutes. To do this you must divide the value of money by the rate per hour for an engineer in automation afterward, convert hours received into minutes.


The profit from our formula can be described as a distinction between the costs of manual testing and automated test execution. test several times during a certain time.

Gain = (time required to run a test manually versus time to automatize one test) the average number of tests

The more quickly and frequently automated tests are run more quickly, the faster the breakpoint and positive ROI is reached.


Investment is the total amount of all expenses related to testing automation. Additionally, we need to include the time required to build a test automation framework and adjustments, and the time spent on test programming and maintenance.

Thus, we can calculate the total amount of investment using the following method:

The time required to create an automation framework for testing + (time of one test's coding * the number of tests that are automated) + costs for maintaining the test

Costs for maintenance of tests need an explanation in this situation.
Costs for maintenance of tests are costs associated with the examination and fix of any unsuccessful tests. Software defects and flaws in tests are a major contributors to test maintenance costs since it is crucial to determine and determine if an application or test is failing. The more often test failures occur, the longer it takes to get to a point of breaking. It is possible to calculate maintenance costs by using the following formula

Costs for maintenance of tests is the time required for one test maintenance percentage of failed tests for each run the number of test runs* tests

If there are any charges associated with the automation tool purchase or license fee they must be included in the formula following conversion into minutes from currency according to the method mentioned previously.

The ROI calculation model is relatively simple to implement with the minimum amount of inputs and overall usability. So, certain aspects impact test automation ROI, such as unit tests testing coverage, unit tests, operating costs, and so on. They aren't considered.

You can however modify the calculation by adding additional expenses specific to your company to improve accuracy. For want to read more blogs like test automation best practices, salesforce testing automation then visit bqurious.

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